Purchasing an itemI hope you have enjoyed browsing the gallery of items including some of my past and current work. My work is currently for sale at specific galleries as well as on-line via ETSY. To check what is currently available at my on-line store, please clich the "Shop via our ETSY site" button on any page of my website. This will take you to the represented items that are currently available from my home studio and available for purchase directly from me. You can purchase these directly on-line, or if you are local, you can contact me to purchase them without having to pay for shipping.
If you do not see the piece that you are interested in within my ETSY store site, it may be available at one of the local galleries. Please see the listing of local galleries for where you can find my work. Please email me and I may be able to direct you, or visit the galleries listed to check out some of my current items for sale in the galleries. Thank you for visiting WinkingLizardPottery.com |